Weird duplication issue in generated PDF (from template content)

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Laini Giles
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:27 pm

Weird duplication issue in generated PDF (from template content)

Unread post by Laini Giles »

Hi Tim-

For some reason, our .mnl template is generating a really strange duplication in the PDF file. I cannot figure out what is causing this to happen. I've also checked over the Configuration area, and can't see where this duplication is coming from.

Can you offer any help? What am I missing?

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Tim Green
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Re: Weird duplication issue in generated PDF (from template content)

Unread post by Tim Green »

Hi Laini,

That's a little odd, particularly that the <%COPYRIGHT%> variable is being both repeated and interpreted at the same time. There are a couple of things to check:
  • First of all, look in the Copyright field definition in your project, in Configuration > Common > Title and Copyright, and check that everything is OK there.
  • Next in Manual Designer, use the View tool at the right-hand end of the toolbar to view only odd and only even page objects on the page, to see whether you have multiple text objects on top of each other.
  • Also in Manual Designer, select Edit > Select Object for a list of all the objects on the page. Look through them, to see if you have more than one object containing your copyright variable. You can click on objects on the list to select them so that you can see where they are. If the object is out of view, HM will offer to move it into view for you when you select it. Once it is selected, you can press Delete to remove it if it's an extra copy.
If none of this helps, please mail your .mnl PDF template and a small demo project to support AT (replace the AT with @) and we'll check it for you.
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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