Script to fix broken topic links

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Script to fix broken topic links

Unread post by jeremym1234 »

Attached is a Ruby script I wrote to help fix broken topic links after importing 15 help files into H&M. The files had cross-project links (over 700 of the 34,000 links where cross-project) and I wrote this script to automatically point them at the correct child project (via a change to the link's href and the addition of the domain attribute).

Hopefully this can help others in the future or be a starting point for other utility scripts to manipulate your H&M xml files.


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# Copyright (c) 2009 Jeremy D. Mullin (
# Portions Copyright (c) 2009, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
# This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk.
# This script will find broken cross-project links in Help & Manual projects and fix them.
# I wrote this script when importing html help from RoboHelp into H&M, although
# this should help to convert from any help authoring software to H&M.
# This script is meant to process a directory full of subfolders that each contain
# individual H&M project files that have a unique topic prefix. For example, if the
# folder "MyProjects" contained:
#    <MyProjectBaseDirectory>
#       <Project1>
#          projectfile.hmxp
#          <Topics>
#          <Maps>
#          <Baggage>
#       <Project2>
#          projectfile.hmxp
#          <Topics>
#          <Maps>
#          <Baggage>
# then the Project1 topic files, contents map, and topic links are all expected to
# have a "project1_" prefix:
#       project1_topic1.xml
#       project1_topic2.xml
#       etc...
# and so on for every project in the folder. To get this layout, follow the steps in
# the H&M Online Help. See:
#     More Advanced Procedures -> Working with Modular Help Systems ->
#        Managing IDs and context numbers -> Changing IDs and context numbers globally
# Once your projects have this layout, check them in or back them up, then run fixlinks.rb
# usage: ruby fixlinks.rb <directory> [-updatefiles]
#    If -updatefiles is not passed in, this utility will do a dry run, but
#    will not modify any files on disk.

require 'fileutils'

$warnings = []
$errors = []
$updatefiles = false
$fixedLinks = 0

class TopicInfo
  attr_reader :domain
  attr_reader :filename
  attr_reader :fullpath
  attr_reader :projectfile

  def initialize( projectfile, domain, filename, fullpath )
    @domain = domain
    @filename = filename
    @fullpath = fullpath
    @projectfile = projectfile

# getTopicFiles
def getTopicFiles( projectfile, project, dirname )

  result = {}

  Dir.foreach( dirname ) {

  if ( not dirname + "/" + entry ) and not ( entry == "." ) and not ( entry == ".." ) )
    # store key without "prefix_" on it, store value as a new TopicInfo instance
    result[entry.sub( /.+?_/, "" ).sub( ".xml", "" )] = projectfile, project, entry, dirname + "\\" + entry )

  return result

# getSubdirs
def getSubdirs( dirname )
  result = {}
  projfile = ""

  Dir.foreach( dirname ) {

    if ( not ( entry == "." ) and not ( entry == ".." ) and not ( entry == ".svn" ) )

      # Find the .hmxp file for this project
      Dir.foreach( dirname + "\\" + entry ) {
        | file |
        if /hmxp$/.match( file )
          projfile = file

      # create a new hash entry and put the topic filenames into this new hash
        result[entry] = getTopicFiles( projfile, entry, dirname + "\\" + entry + "\\Topics" )
        $warnings << "WARNING: " + entry  + " did not have a Topics subdir\n"

  return result


# findTopic
def findTopic( subdirsHash, projectToIgnore, topic )
  result =

  # return an array of matching topic names in all projects
  # except the one passed in.
  subdirsHash.each_key {

    if not ( project == projectToIgnore )
      if ( subdirsHash[project][topic] != nil )
        result << subdirsHash[project][topic]

  return result

# resolveMultipleLinks
def resolveMultipleLinks( possibilities, project, topicFile, match )

  # make the user choose which topic link to replace with if multiple options exist
  print "\nFound multiple topic link possibilities for " + project + ": " + topicFile.filename + ": " + match + "\n"
  print "Which of the following do you want this link to point to?\n"
  possibilities.each_index {

    menuIndex = topicIndex + 1
    print menuIndex.to_s + ")  " + possibilities[topicIndex].domain + ": " + possibilities[topicIndex].filename + "\n"
  print ">"

  choice = STDIN.gets.to_i
  while ( ( choice <= 0 ) or ( choice > possibilities.size ) )
    print "Invalid input, please select a valid integer from the menu\n"
    print ">"
    choice = STDIN.gets.to_i

  return possibilities[choice - 1]

# findBrokenLinks
def findBrokenLinks( subdirsHash )

  # search each project (each subdir)
  subdirsHash.each_key {

    # search each topic file in this subdir for broken links
    subdirsHash[project].each_value {

      # read in the individual topic file
        f =
        lines =
        $errors << "ERROR reading file " + topicFile.fullpath + " :" + $! + "\n"

      newlines = lines )
      madeChanges = false

      # Look for topic links. Check each link to see if the topic it references is
      # really in this project. If not, search all the other projects for a matching
      # topic.
      lines.scan( /type=\"topiclink\" href=\".+?\"/ ) {

        # If this link already has a domain (already links specifically to another project), skip it.
        textAfterMatch = $'
        if /\s+?domain/.match( textAfterMatch )

        madeChanges = true

        # Get the topic reference from this link string
        topicref = match.sub( "type=\"topiclink\" href=\"", "" ).chop

        # Remove the project prefix
        topicrefNoPrefix = topicref.sub( /.+?_/, "" )

        # Declare TopicInfo instance we will use later
        replacementTopic =

        # See if the target is in this project (internal project link we don't have to modify)
        if ( subdirsHash[project][topicrefNoPrefix] == nil )
          # Nope, look for it in other projects
          possibilities = findTopic( subdirsHash, project, topicrefNoPrefix )

          # Replace the topic and add a domain attrib which specifies what project to link to
          if ( possibilities.size == 0 )
            $errors << "ERROR: No topic link possibilities found for " + project + ": " + topicFile.filename + ": " + match + "\n"
            if ( possibilities.size == 1 )
              replacementTopic = possibilities[0]
              replacementTopic = resolveMultipleLinks( possibilities, project, topicFile, match )

            newlink = "type=\"topiclink\" href=\"" + replacementTopic.filename.sub( ".xml", "\"" ) + \
            " domain=\"../" + replacementTopic.domain + "/" + replacementTopic.projectfile + "\" "

            print "Replacing " + match + " with " + newlink + "\n"
            $fixedLinks = $fixedLinks + 1
            newlines.sub!( match, newlink )

      # If we made changes, write out the new lines
      if ( madeChanges and $updatefiles )
        f =, "w")
        f.truncate( 0 )
        f.write( newlines )

    }  # for each topic file

  }  # for each project


# main body
if ARGV[0].nil?
   print "You need to pass in the directory that contains the project subdirectories.\n"
   print "usage: fixlinks.rb <directory> [-updatefiles]\n"
   print "  If -updatefiles is not passed in, this utility will do a dry run, but\n"
   print "  will not modify any files on disk.\n"
if not ARGV[1].nil?
  if ( ARGV[1] == "-updatefiles" )
    $updatefiles = true

print "Starting\n"

# declare hash of subdir names
subdirs = {}

# populate that hash with hashes that include the topic files of all subdirs
subdirs = getSubdirs( ARGV[0] )

# process each subdir, looking for broken links
findBrokenLinks( subdirs )

# print any warnings
if ( $warnings.size > 0 )
  print $warnings

# print any errors
if ( $errors.size > 0 )
  print $errors

# and we're spent...
print "\nFixed " + $fixedLinks.to_s + " links.\n"
print "Finished with " + $warnings.size.to_s + " warnings and " + $errors.size.to_s + " errors.\n"

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Tim Green
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Unread post by Tim Green »

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for posting this, I'm sure some users will find it useful! :)
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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