Dual Screen support

This is the place to enter suggestions and wishes for TNT, EC Software's stand-alone screenshot creation and enhancement program.

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Dual Screen support

Unread post by TimeWriter »

Now, TNT only captures my main screen. Objects first has to be moved to the main screen before making a capture.
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Tim Green
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Re: Dual Screen support

Unread post by Tim Green »

This is a basic problem with screen capture. On Windows, the primary monitor and any secondary monitors often behave quite differently, but the specific behavior depends to a great extent on the specific graphics card chips and their drivers.
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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Re: Dual Screen support

Unread post by Aitch »

I get around this issue by making TNT not full screen, and then drag it to the screen I'm using.
you only need the screen capture button on the active screen in order to 'activate' the screen.

I tried to do a screenshot of it. the red line (and I use the term LINE loosely :)) indicates where one screen stops and the other begins.
I only need to have the camera image in the screen.

Hope this helps.

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