Where is the 3D Photorealistic Option?

With the release of TNT v. 2.0 the EC Software screenshot program has become a serious application in its own right, so it was high time that it was given its own forum!

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Aden Miller
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Where is the 3D Photorealistic Option?

Unread post by Aden Miller »

Hello everyone, I'm a new member and I wanted to ask a(rather dumb) question. Please forgive me if I've over-looked this feature, but I can't seem to find the "3D Photorealistic" option anywhere in the program. If someone would be kind enough to point it out I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks! :D
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Tim Green
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Unread post by Tim Green »


This feature is only available in the 2.x version of TNT, so if you're using 1.x this would be the reason you can't find it. If you have 2.x you can find the option in the Image menu, it's called 3D Perspective.
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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Aden Miller
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Unread post by Aden Miller »

Thanks for the quick response Tim.

I'm using version 2, and the "3D Perspective" option isn't available in the image menu, or any where else for that matter.

Should I try to reinstall TNT SC?


OK, I fixed the problem. Thanks again for the help Tim!
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Re: Where is the 3D Photorealistic Option?

Unread post by sarahjoe »

Is there a feature by feature comparison available of TNT vs Impict?
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Tim Green
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Re: Where is the 3D Photorealistic Option?

Unread post by Tim Green »

Hi Sofi,
Is there a feature by feature comparison available of TNT vs Impict?
Not really. The main differences are:
  • Impict has "layers" and allows you to save objects in editable form that you can re-edit later. TNT always merges all objects directly into the image as soon as you finish editing.
  • TNT has painting and drawing features that Impict does not have.
  • Impict has quite rudimentary screen capture, TNT's screen capture has more features
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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