Balckground color for Impict objects?

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Mark Wilsdorf
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Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:41 pm

Balckground color for Impict objects?

Unread post by Mark Wilsdorf »

I don't know what has happened--what changed--because I don't ever recall this problem before.

If I add a rectangle, rounded rect., or elipse (inverted or not) to an image, the background is set to a mustard yellow color. How do I make it transparent?
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Tim Green
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Re: Balckground color for Impict objects?

Unread post by Tim Green »

Hi Mark,

Check your theme settings in Design > Customize Theme. That defines the standard settings, including the border and fill colors for shapes.

To set transparent fill for a shape, just select the shape, activate the Properties sidebar on the right, and in the Fill section select "No Fill".
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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Mark Wilsdorf
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Re: Balckground color for Impict objects?

Unread post by Mark Wilsdorf »


> Check your theme settings in Design > Customize Theme.

In Impict 7? I'm using the Impict 7 which came with H&M 8. Is there a newer version?

> To set transparent fill for a shape, just select the shape, activate the Properties sidebar on the right, and in the Fill section select "No Fill".

Solved. I looked around some more and figured out that the Fill option had been turned off in the View menu. Sorry to be so "dense". It had been many months since I had last used Impict; thus why I didn't recognize that the Fill tool was missing.

Thanks as always for your help. Very good to hear from you are still alive and well, and I hope you've had a mild winter in Germany (hoping you didn't have to get down to burning your furniture to stay warm). Mild here, and January was beautiful.

As for me, just "alive", not "well" :D ...fell from 4' height in October and detached 3 of the 4 rotator cuff muscles/tendons. Surgery in late December. Four weeks later, slipped on some snow and fell as hard as I have in many years...on the elbow of the surgery shoulder. Tore up everything the surgeon had done. So, surgery again 2 weeks ago. Now rehab will take a LONG time. Unable to do other work, I've decided to write another book...thus why I'm dusting off H&M and Impict to finish the winter writing an accounting book.
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Tim Green
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Re: Balckground color for Impict objects?

Unread post by Tim Green »

Hi Mark,

Damn, sorry, my bad -- I was referring to HelpXplain, because I had just been answering a list of questions about that.

In Impict it's simple: With the current shape selected, you just set the fill to "Clear" in the Fill tool on the right. Then the next shape you create should also have those settings.

And as you have noticed, if the Fill tool isn't visible, you can re-display it from the View menu. Impict is now quite old, and some of its operation features are a little dated.

We've had quite a cold winter here, but we were lucky in that we bought a full tank of heating oil literally on the day before the prices doubled. They seem to be relaxing again now, fingers crossed, so we may not need to sell kidneys to refill at the end of the summer. :twisted:
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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