Condtional text in the first list item

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Condtional text in the first list item

Unread post by antimuon »


I have a question regarding conditional text combined with lists. It seems to be impossible to place the IF-marker for a conditional text before the first item of a list, if there is not supposed to be any other text before the list, e.g. in a table cell like in a toggle. When I place the IF-marker between the text and the number 1. as in the below example, I get an empty first list item in my output if the condition does not apply.
1. <IF xyz>Here is a text<END>
2. Here is another text
This is not possible without having an empty paragraph before the list:
<IF xyz>1. Here is a text<END>
2. Here is another text
Is there any way to exclude the first list item without causing this empty artifact?
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Re: Condtional text in the first list item

Unread post by Marc »

You can work around it by moving the <END> tag to the very beginning of the next (unconditional) paragraph.
However, this is not an ideal and really clean solution. I would also like to learn about a better one if the issue can't be fixed in the software in the first place.
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Tim Green
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Re: Condtional text in the first list item

Unread post by Tim Green »

Hi Anti,

Unfortunately, Marc's solution is currently the only workaround for this. Because of the way both lists and IFDEF tags work, they are not compatible with each other when they are in such close proximity. The IF tag needs to be in the previous paragraph and should also have a space directly after it.
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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