How can I set the spotlight size for a presentation uniformly?

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How can I set the spotlight size for a presentation uniformly?

Unread post by Tolzmann »

We use continuously the "spotlight zoom-in feature" in our HelpXPlain presentations.
Currently we can only change (in a slide) the size of a single spotlight object by mouse.
This approach is error prone, because the size of each spotlight will mostly differ in the presentation.
Is there any way, to set the same size for each spotlight in all slides of a presentation?
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Tim Green
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Re: How can I set the spotlight size for a presentation uniformly?

Unread post by Tim Green »

Hi Tolzmann,

You can't globally set the size of an element in multiple slides like that, but here are two tips that may help:
  • You can copy and paste a spotlight just like any other element, so you can clone it to other slides, along with any attributes and its animation.
  • If you use the Chain animation for spotlights the spotlight will automatically start in the position where it ended in the previous slide.
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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