HM9 Beta with new DeepL tag splitting

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Tim Green
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HM9 Beta with new DeepL tag splitting

Unread post by Tim Green »

We've just published a beta version of Help+Manual 9.6.1 with a test option for handling DeepL's tag/paragraph splitting option. Currently, the DeepL AI translation engine will sometimes split XML tags in a way that cuts out the spaces between words, forcing you to edit the text manually after translation. This happens on the DeepL server.

The new option enables you to turn off DeepL's tag/paragraph server-side splitting and the splitting is then handled directly in Help+Manual, before sending the text to DeepL. First tests look promising, but we're not yet sure whether this change will have negative results on how the DeepL AI works. We'd be interested in your feedback.

See this blog post for details and the download link: ... ew-option/
Tim (EC Software Documentation & User Support)

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